Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Vita.mn Cover

Vita.mn is an entertainment and art guide for the Twin Cities area. Full of articles on music, food, fashion, and much more, it produces papers with very intriguing covers. The covers range from images to incredible designs that I cannot resist taking a glance at as I walk pass one.

This specific cover of Vita.mn contains all 7 design components to complete the illustration. The components were used precisely to create a visually appealing design for the guide. 

The background behind the pins has a large amount of space that is not being used. This keeps the design clean and organized. There is no need to be placing additional images in the background because the utilization of the space is working well with the pins. Keeping the space behind the pins blank attracts the viewer.

All of the pieces of the front cover are in agreement. The pins are all overlapping each other as they would be seen if the viewer was actually looking at them down an alley. They also overlap the guides title "vita.mn" showing that they are related to the pins. Finally, the text on the lower right side of the design is overlapping the pins. All together the pieces are connected in some way.

Point, Line, and Plane
A point that attracts my eye is the orange dot located between "vita" and "mn" in the name of the guide. From there, the line of pins attracts my eye and carries it in the directions of the pins traveling backward. The pins from top to bottom represent the plane in the design.

Scale and Dominance
This is an essential component in order to make the pins seem more realistic rather than sitting flat on the page. The first pin in the middle is larger than the rest creating a more 3-dimensional illusion among the page. Also, the orange colors on the pin stand out among the other colors due to their bright hues and rigid shape. 

The black boxes around the text appear as very important because they are bold across the pins and the remaining design. Due to the large pins and the amount of space they take up on the page they come across as the next most important elements. Finally, the "vita.mn" is behind the pins and is not bolded or colored in a specific way, therefore, being the last attractive point on the cover. 

Balance is partly symmetrical across the cover because of the repetition of similar pins across the middle. It is thrown off, though, as the "STRIKE' protrudes from the right side and the "vita.mn" on the left side. The mix of different elements on the page is appealing because it is consistent, yet only breaks the consistency for the text. 

I really enjoy the colors that vita.mn used on the cover of this issue. They are not too vibrant which works well with a bowling theme. The destroyed look of the mint on the background is simple and easy to look at, from there the simple pins with a pop of orange works really well. The contrast of the black boxes ties all the colors together and makes the text stand out. Contrasting the colors helps bring all the components together to observe the different aspects and focus the viewers' eyes on specific parts.  

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