Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Conan O'Brien Typography Video


Remembering the typography video we viewed in class, I wanted to look into it futher. I think this video shows incredible talent and depicts qualities of Conan O'Brien himself throughout the animations. The text used and the effects between the pieces of his quote are essential in presenting his purpose and providing his farewell.

This typographic creation of O'Brien's goodbye was designed with the audience in mind. He was stating these points to show his appreciation for NBC as a whole and the opportunity he had with them. He includes his personality in the speech as he adds humorous lines, and these traits are portrayed through the typography. The video uses contrasting elements to reflect the content of his words.

This is the overall "storyboard" of the video and it is really interesting to see the pieces of the video without traveling through it virtually. The different turns and directions of the words all help the flow of the video itself. It turns with the type and loops around the board. Each of the word groups are separated by borders, or "walls."

It is also apparent that this overall layout of the type video is not in shades of grey and orange. The colors are key components to the creation because the consistent shades help keep the flow of O'Brien's dialogue. Orange also helps to highlight the images placed in the video. 

Diverse type included in the typography video helps convey the feeling of each word said. Above, the simple circle with basic type keeps the short sentence to the point and "matter-of-fact." It is not sugar-coated and does not need to be in fancy format. The context of the sentence is reflected.

This is another example of how the type is connected with the content of the speech. The bolded text in all capital letters portrays that he is speaking in a loud and distinct tone as if he is addressing an audience. 

This part of Conan O'Brien's announcement stands out because of the lines included. Each of the curls at the ends of the type and the lines leading out of the statement are light and can reflect the happiness that NBC and the Late Night Show has brought to O'Brien. It reflects on his accomplishments and uses a lively type to do so.

The video emphasizes Conan's emotions as he addresses his fans and viewers. Putting together the video, it is clear the creator, Justen Renyer, put great effort into presenting the talk show host's voice and personality by using type.

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